Criminal - Regulatory and Fraud Offences
Some offences are described as regulatory, e.g. they relate to breaches of regulations specific to a particular industry. These can be prosecuted by organisations that have been granted particular powers but the sanctions for committing a breach can have criminal consequences. These prosecutions can be brought against individuals or companies and can often be very involved dealing with technical areas of law. We at Wallace McNally have recently advised a local councillor in respect of proceedings under the Representation of Peoples Act and we can represent you if you are investigated or prosecuted for an alleged breach of a regulation.
Further examples of these sorts of prosecutions are those brought by the Health and Safety Executive, Trading Standards or the Local Authority in respect of food hygiene offences. The Health and Safety Executive have the power to investigate any complaint concerning a business. Trading Standards investigate a very wide range of offences from copyright infringements to weights and measures. Finally, the Local Authority have strict regulations in respect of food preparation, cleanliness and sales of food. These types of investigation as well as being complex may affect your reputation and your livelihood if not dealt with properly and we would always recommend advice from one of our solicitors.
Another difficult and detailed area of law is that which relates to Fraud. These investigations often involve large amounts of paperwork and very serious allegations that can have a very stressful effect on those under investigation. To have a solicitor who is able to stand back, take stock and represent your interests through these times is invaluable. Fraud ranges from taking money from the Department of Work and Pensions dishonestly to being a player in a conspiracy to defraud parties on a national or even worldwide scale. We at Wallace McNally are often dealing with major investigators and we are currently advising a client who is being pursued by the National Crime Agency.
If prosecuted these matters usually appear before a Judge and Jury at a Crown Court. Both Mark McNally and Mohammad Farooq are Higher courts advocates with the ability to appear at the Crown Court to represent your interests or we can instruct a specialist Barrister, or possibly Queens Counsel, on your behalf.